- "Topology and homotopy of line arrangements", Seminar of Topology at the Federal University of São Paulo (São Carlos, Brazil).
- "Topology and homotopy of line arrangements", Seminar of Singularities at the ICMC - Univeristy of São Paulo (São Carlos, Brazil).
- "Homotopy-equivalent Zariski pair of line arrangements", Tsuda University Topology Workshop (Tokyo, Japan).
- "Configuration of points and topology of real arrangements", Seminar of Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan).
- "Configuration of points and topology of real arrangements", Branched coverings, Degenerations and Related Topics 2017 (Sendai, Japan).
- "Configurations de points et topologie des arrangements de droites réelles", Seminar of algebraic geometry (Angers, France).
- "A linking invariant of algebraic curves", 63th Topology Symposium (Kobe, Japan).
- "A linking invariant for reducible curves", 13th workshop on algebraic surfaces at Kochi (Kochi, Japan).
- "A linking invariant for algebraic curves", Seminar on Topology (Tokyo University, Japan).
- "A linking invariant of algebraic curves", Workshop on Hyperplane Arrangements and Singularity Theory (Sapporo, Japan).
- "Linking invariant of line arrangements", AMS Sectional Meeting (Stony Brook, NY, USA).
- "Invariant d'enlacement des courbes algébriques", Seminary of topology of Lille University (Lille, France).
- "Invariant d'enlacement des courbes algébriques", Seminary GT3 of Strasbourg University (Strasbourg, France).
- "Invariant d'enlacement des courbes algébriques", Seminary of topology of Fourier Institute (Grenoble, France).
- "Invariant d'enlacement des courbes algébriques", Seminary of Geometry and System Dynamic of Bourgogne University (Dijon, France).
- "Linking invariant of algebraic plane curves", 3rd Workshop on Algebraic Geometry in Ube (Ube, Japan).
- "Topology of line arrangements", Seminary of mathemathics of Tokyo Gakugei University (Tokyo, Japan).
- "On the I-invariant", Workshop Hyperplane arrangements and reflection groups (Germany, Leibniz University).
- "Géométrie des arrangements de droites réelles et champs de vecteurs polynomiaux", Seminary of Geometries of Camille Jordan Insitute (Lyon, France).
- "Invariant topologique des arrangements de droites complexes", Day on hyperplane arrangements. (Nancy, France).
- "Real line arrangements and polynomial vecotr fields", Workshop on vector fields and algebraic curves. (Pau, France).
- "Invariant topologique des arrangements de droites complexes", Seminary to the team of algebra and geometry of the J. Fourier Institut. (Grenoble, France).
- "Invariant topologique des arrangements de droites complexes", Seminary to the team of topology of the J. Fourier Institut. (Grenoble, France).
- "Vector field and invariant line arrangement", 1st workshop of JSPS-MAE Sakura program : Geometry and combinatorics of hyperplane arrangements an related problems. (Japan, University of Hokkaido)
- "Topological invariants of line arrangements", Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities (Japan, Hokkaido University)
- "Présentation du package TikZ", presentation to the team of the L.M.A.P. (France, Pau), in collaboration with Juan VIU SOS
- "Invariant topologique des arrangements de droites", Seminary of the team of algebra, dynamic and topology of the University of Aix-Marseille (France, Marseille)
- "Invariants topologiques des arrangements de droites", Seminary of topology at the Institut of Jussieu (France, Paris)
- "A topological invariant of line arrangements", Winter Braid IV (France, Dijon)
- "Topological invariants of line arrangements", Seminary of the team of algebra and topology of the University of Saragosse (Spain, Saragosse)
- "Mathématiques et jonglerie", Weeks of mathématics (France, Pau)
- "On the boundary manifold of complex lines arrangement", Winter Braid III (France, Grenoble)
- "Boundary manifold of complex lines arrangement", Conference Pau-Zaragoza (Spain, Jaca)
- "Mathématiques et jonglerie", Tours de France des déchiffreurs organised by the I.H.E.S. (France, Pau)
- "Mathématiques et jonglerie", PhD's seminary of the I.P.R.A. (France, Pau)
- "Appréhender un espace de dimension quatre (réelle)", PhD's seminary of the I.P.R.A. (France, Pau)
- "Invariants d'Alexander", Seminary of the team of algebra and geometry of the U.P.P.A. (France, Pau)
- "Représentation de Burau", Seminary of the team of algebra and geometry of the U.P.P.A. (France, Pau)
- "Introduction aux groupes de réflexions complexes", PhD's seminary of the I.P.R.A. (France, Pau)
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